How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4 cuckoo marans went from one a day to inconsistent laying and another took a break for the day. Got a second bantam one today. They are bigger than I expected.

3 eggs

Temp Mid 80's


2 eggs

Temp Low 90's


3 eggs

Temp low 80's with 35 MPH winds all day .


I got up and went to the gun range as there are a few people trying to revive the (SASS) SINGLE ACTION SHOOTING SOCIETY with some Black Powder shooting so I brought my .50 cal Hawkins and a couple of Chickens and a Turkey as some prizes for the Raffle at the end of the day as there were already items set for the top shooters .

The nice thing about the day was the temps got up to 100F degrees and no winds and most people almost did not come do to the week of winds as it really is messy to play with Black Powder in the wind but it turned out to be a great day I guess someone thought it would be nice if we could all just get together for the day and have some social fun .

I hope everyone is really enjoying their live stock
9 eggs today

I have been crushing up all the egg shells and putting them in the girls feed and their egg shells hardness has really improved .

I lost a lady in the high winds Sunday as she was found out in the open and not under one of the sheds and she was a nice egg layer and I found an egg under her, funny how life is and the way life works .
0 I've been getting 0. I've had to buy eggs two e now. My family got used to eating eggs all the time. I'm so bummed. I have 5 hens. They are 2 1/2 years old. Is it over or they just taking a break? Lol. Now I just have feathered pets, I guess. My son loves them.
0 I've been getting 0. I've had to buy eggs two e now. My family got used to eating eggs all the time. I'm so bummed. I have 5 hens. They are 2 1/2 years old. Is it over or they just taking a break? Lol. Now I just have feathered pets, I guess. My son loves them.

Oh those crazy days of no eggs
. I'm going through that now. All of my layers went through molt for the first time. Right at the same time
. Lost all feathers on heads, lots on backs and butts. Pillow fight anyone??? Feathers everywhere.
Anyway. Don't worry. They might be molting. Very hot weather and rain set mind off. Most feathers are back but it's been 3 months with no eggs. My new girls started a few. Got 3 from one of my new ones last week and several others are showing signs. Just watch the girls. If they are losing feathers= molt. If they still squat when you're close, chances are you will have more eggs from them but you might want to look into a few young pullets.
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