How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


3 eggs were found

Temp low 90's with 15 MPH winds all day

Funny day as one of my neighbors drove in to a telephone pole with her 2013 Dodge Dart hard enough to have the engine leave the car by 50 feet and most of the day the power was out and the worst part she was only three blocks from her home and yes she lived and was released from the hospital with in eight hours and when she got home the power was still out
Luck on her side but any reason to aim to a pole? needed a new car ?
Getting about one a day from our I think shes a Legbar not sure so its a blueish green at least they are getting larger,our other hen hasnt laid one yet even though she is bigger and thinks shes the boss shes a Plymouth Rock shes very sweet and likes her head scratched but the other one not so much lol
7 eggs today. Still none from 1 coop.
The black & white coop (black penedesencas & white leghorns) have been enjoying their free range time. I enclosed a very large portion of land for them. Part wooded and part weeds. However they enjoy going through the fence and roaming all over the woods! They do come back to the coop at night, just not always going IN to the coop! Tonight they all went in, only 1 needed a different door opened for her to go in. I didn't have to grab any of them out of the bushes or off the top of the coop.
We have too many raccoons, opossums, skunks, owls and hawks to let them roost outside of the coop. Oh, and recently we've heard coyotes in the area too.
7 eggs today. Still none from 1 coop.
The black & white coop (black penedesencas & white leghorns) have been enjoying their free range time. I enclosed a very large portion of land for them. Part wooded and part weeds. However they enjoy going through the fence and roaming all over the woods! They do come back to the coop at night, just not always going IN to the coop! Tonight they all went in, only 1 needed a different door opened for her to go in. I didn't have to grab any of them out of the bushes or off the top of the coop.
We have too many raccoons, opossums, skunks, owls and hawks to let them roost outside of the coop. Oh, and recently we've heard coyotes in the area too.
still waiting on the new tarp then when it is dry inside we can put chairs in clip wings
we need to have things our way me lame, bf old and James wouldn't hurt a flea
big guy
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