How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

27 Fahrenheit this morning and first time home made heated base came on thanks to thermo cube, sense I put it out about a week ago. 5/5 today.
ooo I like this. I have same waterer and know I can do heater but not safely or without power (still a work in progress)
Hope your doggie gets better.

1 egg already today and it's not even noon
I wonder if that second girl will lay today.......

Thanks she seems to be getting better all of the sudden but still having potty issues. She's starting to cry now that she wants out, she didn't even bark when a sales dude came to the door yesterday. I hate keeping her locked up in wish the vet would call already
Sitting here at 10 of 18 + 2 girls getting happy we are devising a
overlap from a defunct hollow core door to make a small door portico
on the chicken coop
One egg today from my little EE Bantam, Miss Angel. This is exciting because she is my first layer out of my little flock of 12 and has given us three eggs since Saturday (the first egg). She is laying little green eggs.
Ameracana bantams 1 egg out of 6 hen
Ameruacana stanterd 0 out of 18 hens there young about 6 months old
Frizzle 9 eggs out of 20 hens
Olive egger 2
Marans 0 out of 6 there babys
try feeding her a baked potatoes you can add a few bacon bit to entice
her to them but baked even if it is microwaved

I finally talked to the vet (or a different vet in the office to be precise, as the one we saw yesterday was doing surgery today) her white blood cell count was elevated, bothersome but not worry some was the impression I got. We talked about how she was doing the the vet said the med they gave us for the diahera is an antibiotic and should help on that fronote. She did eat a little of her food, and I'm talking very little. She also went pee finally so that was comforting for me, I haven't seen or been able to get her to drink water since this started so that was probably my biggest fear. And she's much more alert then she was. The vet suggested I come in and pickup a probiotic and to only feed bland boiled chicken and/or rice for 2-3 days or till she's pooping normal again then slowly reintroducemail her regular food. Fortunately she ate the chicken right up, I'm glad I only gave her a little to start with its the most she's eaten in at least 2 days nows. I'm glad to see her acting like her old self again. And the chickens seem to be doing really well to, I'm still seeing a lot of what might be dead Cecal worms in the poops, and I haven't found as much evidence of tape worm as I had hoped, but at least I'm not finding tape segments, and only a few rounds worms. Just glad all of this things are passing and everyone is getting back to normal.

3 more eggs for the trash today, probably thrown out about 2 dozen this week. Hubby doesn't even want to risk giving the eggs to our big dog with the little one just being sick.

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