How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

That was a bit disappointing...

I got no eggs on Sunday so I was expecting a full load (minus my molters) for today. That should have been 2 bards and 4 EE all first year and possibly 2 mixed tan layers that haven't started thier molt yet. But instead on 2-4 tan eggs and 4 green eggs I got 4 tan and only 2 green. I guess it confirms 2 of the baby's may have taken the winter off for thier first year. I've only been getting 1-2 green eggs a day for a week or 2 now.

Oh and Mildred finally started her full molt she looks like a rag toy. And White Runner lost her tail feathers first, silly girl.

8 eggs

Temp Mid 80's calm winds with cloudy skys

Well the geese are getting a little wild with breeding season starting and one of my Peking ducks paid for it so strike one duck
Very windy here yesterday. The girls hate when it blows their skirts up. Only got 3/7.

Ya I know what you mean my ladys hear also disapprove of the high winds that blow them all over the yard and I see their skirts are also blowing all out of control it looks quite unladylike I am sure this is why their egg production is down as is their esteem .
quite possibly gc-raptor is correct in as much as layed them at night then again in the
morning your spare could have been layed after your look yesterday @CeeCee121

I am my 13 of 18 + 2 bakers dozen

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