How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I wish I could get eggs, but the import of eggs is a Huge problem here.
That's if you are a private citizens but the agricultural ministry imported last year more then 70,000,000, eggs from Turky, and Ukraine without controlling them and some of the batches were infacted with salmonella!
And If I import 1 egg from a known breeder I could face prosecution. ! :mad:

That's crazy. Almost like shipping dogs is easier that chickens.
Iv'e only been getting one egg a day recently. Braveheart seems to be my most dependable layer, but Robin will put one out every few days. The rest have 'gone on vacation' for the winter (I don't force winter laying with lights or chemicals).
I got 7 today and 8 yesterday from 17 hens. Just got the flock Thursday night. They came with two free roosters and I re-homed one of the roosters last night. I think I'm doing pretty good with so many changes they have been through. I wasn't expecting any eggs for a few days after they were moved to a whole new home. Any thoughts on that?
Correction for yesterday - 6 eggs someone snuck one in later yesterday

Today - 5 eggs

Happy New Years to everyone!!
I got 7 today and 8 yesterday from 17 hens. Just got the flock Thursday night. They came with two free roosters and I re-homed one of the roosters last night. I think I'm doing pretty good with so many changes they have been through. I wasn't expecting any eggs for a few days after they were moved to a whole new home. Any thoughts on that?
Amazing, count your lucky Stars. What kind of birds did you get? GC

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