How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

have a problem 16 but two eaten in new coop not good need to figure out who is doing this and get that fixed

Good luck figuring that out. I always have a hard time figuring out who is the culprit.
I did get 14 eggs today! (Glad to see production going back up). Also, the Black Penedesenca has finally started going into a coop at night!
Fairly excited about this topic here. Started my first flock in February 2 WL, 4 RIR (but one turned out to be a rooster) and 1 SLW. Saturday one of my WL laid her first egg. It was small - but exciting none the less, and she has laid one egg a day since. As of today the second WL is very interested in the coop and making noises as she runs around the run. Hopefully she won't be far behind.

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