How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Was 3F above this morning. We had a couple inches of snow yesterday. So I had to shovel the pen otherwise hens won't venture out for some yummy seeds. I tossed some under the raised coop, till I could shovel.
Found two eggs at five and two at nine.
I have been tossing straw under coop so they can keep busy scratching as that's where they hang out in this weather.
. The hardware cloth is covered with plastic. This is the view through the trapdoor ramp. GC
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I got 2! That little faverolles hasn't skipped a day.:)
cleaned out deep freeze over holidays, chu feast on fatty ham/deer/and beef parts from years past… I got upgraded to 9 eggs on Saturday! It's so cold they won't leave the nests today...

Happy New Year!View attachment 1223915
That purple egg is gorgeous, what did that come from?

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