How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Another 15/16 today. I have one thinking about going broody. I’ve caught her in the nest boxes two nights in a row and kick her out. I haven’t seen an egg from her in a couple days! She’s keeping me from my perfect 16/16. Ugh!!! I just got my other bantam laying again. :barnie
See if u take her out and put her in a dark she'd for six or so hours with no food just water it'll put her straight off
17 Eggs Today, and let the chicks and mom hen out 76E94A25-60DF-4031-B390-7F959CDE34CB.jpeg B6B7F900-5268-47A5-8055-FB85FF799ED9.jpeg
for a few without the flock.
14 today all got to stay in front yard of their coop since birds started laying in the upper chicken yard decided to keep them out of the big yard make them understand this where eggs are layed.. all four is Silky land broody now

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