How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

9 but took the little Joe tiller into the main coop every 6 months I clean but there is the there front and under the roost that never seems to really get done 4 years hard pack is now broken down good
naw they will start laying when peeps are just so old or they never get eggs that are fertile... Painting Silky land shipping crates for furniture gotten free built the coop
and is raw wood or yellow
great have not even looked but Welcome to the thread Silky land is painted when I cleaned the main only saw one but have heard the song as was paining the silky coop
Im 15/16 today. Had to kick out my little Brahma from the nest boxes 3 times today. She hasn’t laid in days. She’s prevented me from my perfect 16/16 so many times!!! I’m ready to kick her out of the coop all together!!

My 6 started chicks are okay. The lady I get them from said they’re 8 weeks. I don’t think so. Barely 4-5 weeks or really slow growing. One of them is getting picked on quite a bit. All her feathers are plucked out on her back between her wings and even some of her tail feathers. I separated her for a bit. I threw them back together tonight so hopefully everyone gets along.

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