How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My sweetheart was a Sea Bee in the Navy they build the buildings support ground crews
he was in Vietnam from like 65 to 70..
My 4 Silky share the eggs and raising of peeps that is why I gave them the 12 marans
Another 3/3 day here - so hot (hit 40 c in the sun yesterday) but hasnt' seemed to put thme off thier stride, thier run is the coolest part of the garden.

That is so cute! My silkies seem to co-parent a little bit - Hermione has had a go at me when I've touched Doris's chicks and made them squeak and Doris clucks at them all to come over (there is a month between them).

Speaking about coparenting, I got a broody #6 (olive Egger) and have 7 eggs under her, whenever she leaves the egg clutch to eat or do her business, my California White who is not a broody will take over sitting on the eggs even when she was done laying her own in another nest. I’ve seen this multiple times then she will get up and Olive Egger will take over.
Cool @Spartan22 !!

21 Eggs Today, Surprised ! Surprised! Broody #2 (3 yr old RIR) that has 2 three week old chicks adopted the other two 3.5 week old chicks that was abandoned by Broody #1, couldn’t believe my eyes i didn’t think it was possible.
I bet she was just scheming a way to steal those chicks. Let's see there is the Haley's Comet trick and "Look a bunny!", plenty of ways to distract Broody #1 :D
Haven't replied in a while...My girls are 5/8 today as one of our hens is sitting on 12 cemain eggs. I hope like heck it works because those eggs with shipping cost us almost 150.00 dollars. candled them and 8 show good as of now. :wee:weeGood grief!!

I will keep your eggs in my good hatching vibes, I have 12 black copper marans eggs under my 4 silky they are sharing the job took them salad and a bit of bread today set it with them so I know they eat their water is close also .. Did get 10 so far from the main coop
I will keep your eggs in my good hatching vibes, I have 12 black copper marans eggs under my 4 silky they are sharing the job took them salad and a bit of bread today set it with them so I know they eat their water is close also .. Did get 10 so far from the main coop
thanks. took mine watermelon rinses, Put frozen 10oz soda bottles in their drinking water and fed them wild rice, and laying work is done. please work
23 Eggs Today, Moved broody #6 to a confined area so no more musical nest, just a precaution after loosing some eggs and chicks few weeks ago from other broodies doing musical nest. :pop
that can be tough I thank my lucky stars to have the coop just for them it isn't very large
but they are more than good in it and protected by homegrown monsters our 3 outside cats
For the love!!! I’m kicking out these bantam pullets all day. My bantam EE just started laying a week ago and is already trying to live in the nest box. My other Bantam BB is doing the same. I put in some ice packs in the boxes they were laying in. See if we can’t chill these girls out. 13/16 yesterday. All 3 Banty’s skipped. I’ll report later on today’s numbers. Wish me luck!

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