How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


18 Freedom Eggs Today!

I got 11 today! Sad to be getting excited about 11 eggs, but it's better than the 8 I have been getting.
My hubby got the broody isolation cage made today. I moved the broody hen in and 5 or 6 eggs. I'm too tired to remember how many it was. :lau
She wasn't sure about it at first, but she was in and sitting on the eggs when I went out to lock them up.
@penny1960, thank you for the prayers. She’s 60, so young to be facing the end. However, she’s lived a great life and for now, we’re soaking up every minute we have.

I forgot to pull the broody tonight. I tried to grab her earlier but she got out and then “tut tut” all over the yard and I couldn’t get her. Her little noise is adorable. Then I was too tired to pull her tonight. Tomorrow! I’ll do it tomorrow. I ended up with 11 eggs. 1 jello egg though so 10 we’ll eat.

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