How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Pulled her from hogging a nest and put her in a buster? "When" depends wholly on HER! When she stops her broody clucking she is probably ready. If she hits the nest box after being let out, she isn't done yet. She won't likely lay an egg for several days after she stops being broody.
I call her tut tut cuz her little noise is adorable. I’ll check later to see if she’s still making that sound. If so - she can stay in jail. Lol.
9 eggs today.

Last night/ this morning, my husband woke me up at 3 AM. He had let the dog out because she wanted to go outside. She was barking and he couldn't get her to quit or to come back inside, so he woke me up so I could get her. (She listens better to me). I got her inside and then went to check on the chickens. 4 of the meat chickens had refused to go in the coop that night when I locked everyone up. They had been hiding out up under the large coop where I couldn't get to them.
Anyway, when I went to check at 3 AM, I found 1 up on a small pile of branches I had leaned against the inside of the fence. She was unharmed, so I grabbed her and put her in the coop. I could see another hen laying in the yard that appeared dead and torn up. I walked around behind the coop and found the last 2 meat chickens dead but with no sign of injury. I grabbed them and went back around to grab the one in the yard with visible injuries. She was still alive! However, she was too torn up to have a chance of surviving.
So I spent from 3 AM to 5 AM butchering those 3 meat chickens. The 2 that were dead did not have any signs of injury, even after skinned. I wonder if they had heart attacks while being chased by ??? (I'm assuming raccoons). From the one that was alive but injured, I was able to get both leg, thigh combinations and half of the breast.

Fortunately, I had moved 6 of the meat chickens to a separate coop and 2 others I had put in another coop with some other chickens. 4 others had actually gone in the big coop like they were suppose to.

So I still have 13 more meat chickens to butcher. I had already butchered 3 others a few days before.

Tonight, I was able to get all 5 meaties to go into the big coop ( I had to chase and carry 2 of them). So they will all be safe tonight!
if you already have the trail cam do it I knock on wood daily I have never lost a bird to
anything but one of my own outside cats
if you already have the trail cam do it I knock on wood daily I have never lost a bird to
anything but one of my own outside cats

Yes, we have a trail camera. We have seen MANY raccoons, some opossums and some skunks coming around in the past. We have lost a dozen birds or so over the years. Raccoons can reach through welded wire that has spaces big enough for them to fit their paws through and then they grab an unsuspecting chicken and try to pull her back through the much too small opening. It didn't end well for the chicken or the turkey. We corrected that problem. We have even caught barn owls flying down and catching mice! Also, a stray cat. It didn't harm any chickens, it just hung out in the yard during the day.
We have even caught hawks that have sat in nearby trees and one that even sat on the chicken yard fence waiting and watching for an opportunity to swoop in for a chicken dinner.

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