How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I don't think I could ever send my girls to freezer camp when they get older. I am attached to them and my daughter even more so. My husband is attached to the eggs so I doubt he would have a problem with it.

I will just have to get a bigger coop so they can die of old age! I can't even send the cockerel that I don't like to freezer camp. I guess I am a weenie. I grew up on a farm so it isn't like I haven't been around animal processing but still I just don't think I am cut out for it.
[QUOTE="PouleChick, post: 20253309, member: 414906"
So tough - don't have to do that yet thank goodness! How touhg is a 5 year old hen to eat?[/QUOTE]

It was tough to deal with it, but for over all health of our flock it must be done since every year we have new chicks. Regarding the meat, I gave away the freezer “campers” to my friend’s parents that know how to cook them. They made some stew and soup and it’s quite great actually, tender and taste better than supermarket chicken. They said they used pressure cooker to prepare them, then invited us for dinner. :thumbsup Which was awesome since we forgot about it’s our chicken.
Down with another cold it is 3 before I could muster sitting have 5 peeps from the broody ameracauna all 5 are the boys eggs so he is not sterile
Down with another cold it is 3 before I could muster sitting have 5 peeps from the broody ameracauna all 5 are the boys eggs so he is not sterile
Sorry you are sick. Being sick during the summer seems so much worse than during the winter because the weather is nice and I want to be out enjoying it.

Glad to hear you have new little ones & your rooster isn’t a dud. ;)

We got 8 eggs again today!:wee
9 today, DD1 used 10 to make bread and gluten free eclairs. Used 9 small eggs for French toast. Catching up on usage. One of my customers that gets a dozen a week is gone for 3 weeks.

So tough - don't have to do that yet thank goodness! How tough is a 5 year old hen to eat?
I've heard they aren't real good when they get old though I would think you could get decent soup stock.

@bruceha2000 you have confused me with your new avatar :lau
Meaning you thought some new person joined?
I broke my broody from a couple weeks ago. She was in jail for almost 5 days. But ended up laying again really quick. But NOW I have another broody. So far, all of the girls that have gone broody have been bantams. I'll never own another one again unless I plan on raising chicks that way! OY! So now my EE banty is in jail. She's been broody for 2 days so this should go quick.

I got my FIRST 16/16 last week. Two days in a row too!! But I am averaging 12-14 out of 16. Its been SUPER warm here as @penny1960 knows. This week is supposed to be mid 90's. I will probably get a watermelon for the girls.

My "started" pullets that I got early June are getting pretty big! The 6 are bigger than the bantams. Still in their own enclosure inside the chicken yard. We let them play with the big girls tonight for about 30 minutes. Very little chasing and pecking. The big girls would give one good peck and then babies would run and scratch somewhere else. But no bullying which is great! We will probably do this every day.... I'm worried if I leave them out all together that one of the babies will end up hurt. I'll probably work in a full integration next week or so.

We've been busy camping and went to Vegas last weekend for the first time. SO MUCH FUN! Its nice in your 30's... I relaxed and knew when to stop drinking the pina coladas! lol.
I've heard they aren't real good when they get old though I would think you could get decent soup stock.
Meaning you thought some new person joined?
Yeah something like that :lau
We've been busy camping and went to Vegas last weekend for the first time. SO MUCH FUN! Its nice in your 30's... I relaxed and knew when to stop drinking the pina coladas! lol.
That sounds so much fun! I'm in my 40s and still haven't worked out when to stop drinking Pina Coladas :smack:lau
I had to quit the juice when my kid was 3 that was when she came to our house
called Ma, what do I do ? put on big girl panties be her friend not bad Mom
no more from then 1982... ameracauna and 5 peeps photo's soon no eggs I know of just now but just noon 58 years here

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