How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I got 6!! :wee

The tiny one......I will be watching that bird. She is a "giant" cochin. I was in the coop when the egg happened.
The shell seems a bit thin. :(
Sloppy, muddy yard? How about an inch of water all the way from my house thru the coop entrance :rolleyes: The yard must be still frozen when rain just keep on pouring and with the snow melting created a great pool. Even our chicken run had pools of water, I had to run to the feed store (in my scuba suit) and grab bales of straw to cover them since some pullets started playing in the mud water like bunch of ducks:th:barnie while the roos watched befuddled. Temps drops tonite with snow.

By the way 23 Eggs Today including 3 mint, olive and green eggs.
Sloppy, muddy yard? How about an inch of water all the way from my house thru the coop entrance :rolleyes: The yard must be still frozen when rain just keep on pouring and with the snow melting created a great pool. Even our chicken run had pools of water, I had to run to the feed store (in my scuba suit) and grab bales of straw to cover them since some pullets started playing in the mud water like bunch of ducks:th:barnie while the roos watched befuddled. Temps drops tonite with snow.

By the way 23 Eggs Today including 3 mint, olive and green eggs.

I’ll keep my muddy sloppy yard over that pool!

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