How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

It’s natural for them to slow down and stop laying in the winter months, in another month the daylight hrs will increase and they will start to lay again.

Once they reach around 2 yrs of age they will slowdown overall with laying eggs, so instead of 6 eggs a week you will get 5 or even 4.

I have a whole slew of lawn ornaments over 5 yrs of age they lay sporadically- they just enjoy life now 😊
My biggest three do not lay as one is a Mule Duck and the other two are the Rouens, one her Mother. They are also my tamest and the ones I love the most so they are here to stay even though they probably eat the most food too. I totally understand lawn ornaments. lol
My biggest three do not lay as one is a Mule Duck and the other two are the Rouens, one her Mother. They are also my tamest and the ones I love the most so they are here to stay even though they probably eat the most food too. I totally understand lawn ornaments. lol
I only got one today from my Muscovy but she is laying nice big eggs so I am happy with that for this time of year especially.
3 today, same girls: Mei, Juin and Août. Juillet’s comb looked pale today, so I’m not surprised she didn’t lay.

I ran out of chicken feed and had to try a new brand, but it’s basically all powder. I added some water to make a mash with it, but the girls are skeptical. Glad I only bought the little bag…
5 today
3 today, same girls: Mei, Juin and Août. Juillet’s comb looked pale today, so I’m not surprised she didn’t lay.

I ran out of chicken feed and had to try a new brand, but it’s basically all powder. I added some water to make a mash with it, but the girls are skeptical. Glad I only bought the little bag…
Has Août missed a day of laying yet?

I opened up a new bag of feed and dumped about 40 pounds of it into the feeder. Need to go get a new bag tomorrow even though I won't need it until the end of next month. I like to stock up on things ahead of time.

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