How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

One egg from 6 pullets! But it was only the 7th egg total- I think only one is laying so far- maybe two.

4 EE and 2 wyandottes all at 23 weeks.
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One egg today from my little Omlet who just started laying Sunday. We have 4 eggs in her first 6 days laying. She is 20 weeks. Still waiting for granddaughter's EE, Strawberry. She is going to lay any day now, I just know it.

got 12 eggs today!!! WOOT! i have 7 30 week GSL and 10 older GSL
wonder if ill soon be getting 17 eggs a day! the older GSL are new.. just been here 2 days so i bet they will are start laying as soon as they are comfy!!

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