How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Things are looking up. I'm getting 6 eggs each day from 8 birds and every other day I get 7. My 5 red stars are laying each day and my 3 EE's are giving me 1 or 2 each day. I don't think 1 EE has started laying yet but I'm not sure.
none still waiting
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16/18, the ladies are doing a great job! The alpha hen always follows me everywhere, constantly vocalizing kind of a "what's going on " cackle.....she was fussing at me gathering eggs and wanted in the coop while all the other ladies were busy getting bugs.....she followed me right on to the back porch and would have come right on in the house if I hadn't shooed her away....funny birds....
I went out this morning to greet and let the girls out to play and while I was gathering the eggs I heard the rustling of plastic. I have my coop fenced off inside for a storage area for their food and bedding. I had just changed the wood chips and straw in the nest boxes yesterday. Quite obviously Goldie didn't think I used enough wood chips, she had settled down to lay inside the compressed chip bag. Since the temps have cooled I've noticed that their laying earlier in the morning even before daylight. Think it's time to set up some AM lighting on a timer. 5 orbs of de-lish-eous-ness so far with more on the way. Started my day with a chuckle. Every day they remind me how good life is!

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