How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

2/9 the last few days, been getting 3/9... and if two hadn't decided to molt about two wks after I got them I would be getting 4-5 a day. Other than that, I don't think any of the other pullets have started yet.
Lets see other than the two molters(EE, and andalusian) the ones that have started, that I know for sure, but aren't consistent are the BR(usually daily layer), Buff Columbian Cochin bantam, other EE, Black Australorp, and Pheonix game mix. Still have two yet to start, my Blue Ameraucana and my Standard Buff Cochin.
Cochin bantam and game mix had me going for a while... Their eggs are about the same size and almost the same color so all along I thought it was just the game mix laying every day til I compared two days worth and the coloring for the Cochin bantam is just slightly darker than the games egg and a wee bit smaller.
got 7 eggs from 10 chickens I think one hasn't started laying yet I think 2 of my last slackers has finally started I am doing a happy dance
that they are finally al starting to lay 4 are bantams but their eggs are still yummy
14/23 I think the little cool snap we had this past weekend is finally going to start my older layers into their first molt. It looks like they are starting to loose some feathers now, but its about time. They are over one and a half years old now and this will be their first molt. They are definately due for a break and get themselves some new clothes on for the winter. The girls have done me proud over the past year of laying. I've got me some new pullets just starting up so maybe they'll take over the reigns for a spell while the other ol' gals rest for a while.
I got 12, one turquoise, one olive green, two off white, two very dark brown the the rest were various shades of brown.
I find a egg on the floor about once a week and it is the blue egg, covered in chicken poop

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