How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

4/5 from bantams. One egg weighed 54grms, this is the size of a medium egg from a full size hen.
Have 18 hens in all and 2 out of 18 have started laying. 16 of my hens are 18wks old and other 2 are 20wks old. My Plymouth Rocks (barred) are the ones that are laying. I got two eggs on 8/20 and two eggs on 8/21 and so far no eggs today:rolleyes:. I was wondering if the rooster has anything to do with the egg size? My hens are all standard breeds and my rooster is a Bantam cochin. My eggs are real small from the Plymouth Rocks.
Robinbond: Congrats on your eggs! The size of the egg depends only on the hen. The eggs are small because your hens are actually pullets, young female chickens. When they first start to lay the eggs are small. As they mature the eggs will gradually get bigger. Even a mini egg is enough to lay the first time I would think!!!

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