How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 eggs from 14 girls. I am getting anywhere from 7-12 per day, with 52 eggs total last week. Just started selling, so the girls are starting to pay for themselves. Money from today's sales is going for more shavings for the coop as I turned everything over today and oh man! Whew! Time to pull a bit of that old bedding out and put in some fresh, that's for sure!
Yesterday: 2 from 3 girls laying & in the right spot too:). Still waiting on the other 5
monday january 3, 2011 : 8 fro 8 again!!
thats 2 days in a row we got one from everybody!

im with you - WisconsinChickenWhisperer we finally have enough!! time to start selling some eggs to pay for feed
Yesterday is was 4/7 but someone is going into moult! Today is the second day in a row for some great sunshine but still freezing temps, already picked up two when I let them into the run. Who knows anymore I could get chicken math involved and then....
7 out of 9 again today. Just got an order for 4doz today - they might have to wait a bit on that size order. Prepaid so I guess we hold 'em for the individual. Wish those pullets would start laying and stop the freeloading.

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