How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Yeah! Way to go!
gypsy's chixs :

0/14 And I have done everything recommended,insulated building, heat lamp, added light, plenty of food and fresh water. They arent molting and this is week three. For a while there I was getting 1 or 2. This is their first winter and we got pampered with a dozen eggs a day for a while. Coop stays between 30 -40 relatively, (this is South Dakota, so for now they are pampered). I have a mix of Production Reds and Barred Rocks. Thinking of getting some wyandottes in the spring too. I want to have eggs all year even if production numbers go down. Any other ideas?

Have you wormed them recently or ever? Are they eating properly? Did you try Alfalfa hay?​

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