How Many eggs do your Pure breed ameraucanas lay each week ??

Clay In Iowa

11 Years
Oct 9, 2008
Near Wilton Iowa
I have 7, one Wheaten, 4 blue wheaten and 2 split lavenders. All I'm getting is 6-8 eggs a week..That's a little under one egg per bird per week....Is that normal?

They are all about 10 months old, they are NOT molting and are not broody...

Confused in Iowa...?!?!?!?!?!
I have 5 W/BW,
1 blue
1 splash
and 2 black.

7 of the 9 are laying and we get about 24-27 a week. the blue and one of the black ones have yet to lay

Note: They are the blue ones in this pic.

My little gal is only about 2-3 week max. By far not the best layer in the bunch, but I do love the surprise of her beautiful eggs in the nest box.
If they haven't been laying very long, maybe it will just take some time for them to pick up the pace. Also with the days being shorter and less hours of daylight, I hear that can slow them down. I used a light im my coop last winter for a few hours of light in the morning to increase their day. maybe that would help
3 hatched out the end of February... they started laying in October.
6 hatched out the end of April... 3 of those just started laying.

Give them some time.

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