How many feathers is too many?


10 Years
May 19, 2009
U.P. of Michigan
I have 18 chicks of a variety of breeds. They are about 8-10 weeks old. At first there was just a feather or two and now there is about 40. None seem to be sick. None have any bare spots and the feathers are mostly where they sleep. I had read before that a few loose feathers are normal. Am I still in the "normal" range? (and no I have not checked for mites/lice) Yuck!
It is pretty startling to find all those feathers. I thought for a while something was trying to find a meal, but don't see how anything could get in the pen.
Nothing is wrong, they're just losing juvenille feathers. If you look closely at your chicks, and there aren't any balding patches, and no blood on any of the loose feathers, you're fine

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