How many fertile Eggs can a Hen lay after mating?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Aug 22, 2010
I was searching on ebay for some hatching eggs and started to think "well i dout that cock, mated with all these hens 12 times in one day" so i thought, how many eggs can a hen lay which will be fertile, after she has mated with a cock, or is it, as long as the cock is in the with the hens and has mated with them is it a permemntant thing?

I bet this will be a simple answer but its got me puzzled :p
It depends on how old the Cock is. When I was 18 I could err, well wrong board. Seriously, The hens store semen and the Hen can produce fertile eggs days after being in with a rooster.
I have one cock with 16 hens and I seriously think he probably mates each one two or three times a day. He's never off them, the randy beggar!

I remember reading a post once where someone said her hen sat on and hatched eggs out TWO MONTHS after she got rid of the rooster...

Right now I am incubating eggs laid by some White Leghorns I was given a few weeks ago. These eggs were laid up to a week after I was given the birds and up to ten days after they were taken away from their rooster. I had them in quarantine and shut away from my other birds so I know 100% that my own rooster never got at them. I set seven eggs and three were fertile and have made it to lockdown...
okay so I just need a little clarification. after a hen has been fertilized just once, can more than one of her eggs be fertile or just the one laid after fertilization?
her eggs can be fertile for up to two weeks or a bit longer from one successful mating, yes if she lays an egg a day everyday for two weeks they should all be fertile
thank you! any light you can shed on the best way to store eggs "on deck" to be incubated or sat on?!

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