How many hens are laying?


7 Years
6 Years
Feb 28, 2013
Madisonville, LA
I have 6 BO's, 25 weeks old. I'm getting 3 eggs a day at almost exactly the same time every day. Is it safe to assume that only 3 hens are laying right now? We started getting eggs when they were 21 weeks. TIA!
Unless you watch them lay over a couple of days, you can't be sure - they don't all lay every day, and new layers may skip a couple of days. I have 5 BOs, 4 are laying. Once there was more than one laying, it was hard to tell 'who dun it'. The only days I know for sure they all laid is the days I have 4 brown eggs.
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And this is why I'm going to shoot for rainbow eggs as my flock ages out - I have 2 EEs, one is laying, and for some reason, I really like knowing which hen laid the egg.

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