How many hens for one rooster?

Thank u
Possibly.she could be stressed.My hens DO NOT give.This is the last.They went all spring with 2 roosters.1 was young hormones ragging ready to mate he got what he wanted,but stopped living so yeah.Joe has only got 1 hen   right now.The others WONT let him mate.Hes upset.

was just worried, guess it time to go ahead get me a few more ladies
we have a good rir rooster, he is a good protector of his hens. he has 9 hens to look after, sometimes when they are free ranging he stays really busy looking after 9 hens, I think 10 would be the limit for one rooster.
Ok so I have 6 hens in a 64sq ft run all the time I want to get a roo would that be to much or could I get maybe a bantam roo. Please answer I really would like a roo
I am writing on behalf of my 7 month old cockerel, George. George says (and I quote...)

"My name is George and I have 6 girlfriends who are all about 7 months old. I am a growing boy with raging hormones, and to be honest another five or six girlfriends would be handy. That way, maybe the six I already have won't have bare patches near their tail feathers anymore. Can you please ask Mum if some more girls can come to stay? Thanks, George."

Hmmm, George has a good point! When he first moved in with the 6 girls they all had pristine feathers. Now some have bare little saddles where George has been treading. My thoughts are that if I add a few more girls to the coop, George would be able to distribute himself around a bit more, and take some of the pressure off the existing birds.

So it looks like I will be off to the auctions again soon.


PS: George says "Woohoo! You're the best, Mum!"

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