How many hens for one rooster?

Nice rooster and he can stand on his head too!

I have 1 roo and 19 hens. They are mostly in an enclosed run so I'm afraid that adding a second roo would create too much friction. If I free ranged them all the time I'd definitely get another. My roo doesn't seem to work too hard looking after the ladies. I had them free ranging and dug up some earthworms. DH dropped them in front of the roo. I thought he'd call the ladies over. NOPE, he wolfed those puppies down in 2 seconds!! On the plus side, he doesn't attack us people and is gentle with the ladies.
I have 3 hens and one rooster and everyone gets along fine. They've been together since they were tiny though so I don't know if that makes a difference or not. Or maybe I just got lucky with my guy!
my flock is just coming of age, I have 8 pullets and a cockerel.

He could use a few more, hehe
Its probably just his hormones kicking in, but I think I saw him try to mount a cinderblock the other day.

hopefully he will settle down soon, but for now, he is wearing out my 8 pullets
A cinderblock?

I have had the hens and roo together for two days now and things have settled down. The hens have been beating him up, he has been chasing them around but the hens then turn around and chase him! I had to separate them yesterday because the hen's had pecked his comb so much it was bleeding it amazed me that he would not stand up for him self since he is twice the size as my one hen.
My rooster is a big pushover for his favorite hen. He'll be trying to eat and she'll come over and steal his food and he's fine with it. I've even seen him go out of his way to feed her. The others he won't put up with much from though! lol
Currently we have one rooster & one hen, and last two days it seems she REALLY doesn't wanna....mmhmm tho she does give in eventually. Is he "over working" his girl? We plan on having more (they free range ALL day) but because having chickens here is new we started out small until we r sure it would work out.
Possibly.she could be stressed.My hens DO NOT give.This is the last.They went all spring with 2 roosters.1 was young hormones ragging ready to mate he got what he wanted,but stopped living so yeah.Joe has only got 1 hen right now.The others WONT let him mate.Hes upset.

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