How many lady amherst in a pen

Hail The Quail

In the Brooder
Jul 12, 2015
I recently got a pair of lady amherst in a 16x16 pen. I like them but the pen feels big enough for another pair. Is this the case or will the cocks fight too much. The other pair would be lady amherst of course.
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In my experience, two cockbirds in the same pen regardless of which pheasant breed, will have issues during breeding season- I have kept several different males together but where they could not see any hens and they all got along ok- there was some territory stuff that occurred but nothing too bad-
For pairs/trios/quads- use separate pens and even then, there are no guarantees there won't be issues. I have had hens absolutely decimate younger cockbirds before and cockbirds kill hens so, watch and get to know your birds, be ready to intervene when needed..
How long have the others been in this pen? What I have done to introduce new hens is to remove all the birds from the pen, rearrange everything, add new structure (limbs and such), put the original birds in a dog crate and put the crate back in the pen for a couple of days while the new hen has the run of the entire pen-

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