How many large eggs can a bantam hatch?


10 Years
May 5, 2009
I have decided to get silkies and a few bantam cochins to hatch out eggs for me. But I do not know how many large eggs they can hatch. And if any colors are better at it then others.
gave my japanese bantam 6 guinea eggs to sit on and she wiggled them under...put 2 more in front of her and she looked at me like i had a screw loose. went back to check her lke 15 minutes later andd she had pushed them 6 is her limit for guinea eggs.
ok, so if i wanted to hatch out 25 hens a season, thats approx 50 chicks. So I need atleast 8 hens, and if I buy shipped hatching egss then i would need no less then 10 hens haha
my banty sat on 9 and it was too many. One to two were always sticking out and they were a mix of large eggs and banty eggs
My banty is currently hiding out (I found her in a old dog house), but she is covering 11 eggs some are banty eggs and some are regular eggs.
Thanks for posting this. I have 2 broody bantam hens and I was wondering the same thing. Not sure, I just gave them 2 regular size eggs. Now I can give them the rest that I have.
you may be asking the wrong question - I would question how many large chicks can a banty hen keep warm? Here is my Lisa with her 5 week old lf chick on their first night in the big coop.

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