How many LF Wyandotte eggs a week?


6 Years
Apr 9, 2015
How many eggs does a healthy SLW produce during the summer? My pullets should start laying soon and I'm wondering what a normal number is when they do.

Hatchery stock Wyandottes should lay around 5 eggs a week at their peak season. Some weeks they may lay 6. If you happened to get a poorer layer, you may get 4 a week.

Thanks. These are not from a hatchery, the parent stock are higher quality from a breeder. not sure On egg numbers. Should have asked. I guess I will find out pretty soon.
Breeder quality birds are (usually) bred for appearance and type, not egg laying, so they will probably be poorer layers than hatchery birds. I haven't owned any breeder Wyandottes so I can't say for sure. But I would ballpark 3-4 eggs per week as an average, a very good hen may lay 5 eggs a week or more. If she was breeding for good laying as well as good appearance, they will probably do 4-5 eggs average.

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