How many of my 3 barred rock hatchlings are roos?

First one does not have wattles and is dark, probably a hen as is the third. The second has wattles and is lighter so I would say roo. Gloria Jean
At 9 weeks normally you don't see a comb like that. Take a close look at the feathers in the tail. If they are pointy- rooster. More rounded- pullet.

Good Luck whichever way, but I will say they are beautiful birds and my first broody hatched out 3 roosters. This year I got 3 roosters and like 10 pullets. It was a good year for girls.

I hope you have girls

Thanks for the additional tips and identifying information. Kathy, is there a site or resource where I can read further on the sex link hybrids? I tried doing some searches but it was cumbersome to look for barred rock hen and easter egger rooster, although I'm enjoying learning what I'm reading so far.

i think the father might be a young onagadori i just saw a few today when they are that size they have small tails but once they get older they have 10 ft long tails but it could be something else just pointing out thats what onagadoris look like 6 months old how old is it? and 1 and 3 are females and 2 is a boy bared rocks have huge crests either way
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Shannon, try looking here..

I think you may have made sex-link babies, and if they are barred, they're all boys. Plus the comb development says boy to me, at this age.

Feel free to post a better pic of your roo........I'd love to see him better, and we can give you guesses on what he is. Plus, some of us have no life and like to look at pretty pictures
Go the the chicken calculator and cross any non barred rooster with a barred female and you come up with barred males and black or other solid colored females.

go here:

click on show examples and pick out the color that best describes your rooster. pick out the barred hen. then go down to the bottom and click on calculate crossing and you will get the possible results both genetically and in appearance.
The dark ones with pea/single comb combos are male--that's what I always get when crossing a BR rooster over an Ameraucana or an EE, a dark male. The second one, if a pure BR, most would think was male due to the light color, but I can't say for certain until I can see the saddle area--does it have wry tail or was it just the way that bird was standing at the time? Personally, I think that middle one is also male due to the comb color and size at that age, so guess I'll say they're all male.

I don't see a beard on your rooster. Are you sure that's the dad? Any other roosters around?
#1 Penny and #3 Pip are defiantly little roos....just look at those pretty tail feathers. #2 Nutmeg could be either, but at 9 weeks I agree that it looks like another little roo. As far as the father, do you have a better pic..preferably a side shot? A few breeds have beards/muffs. Not all EEs have beards/muffs but that does NOT mean that their offspring cannot have beards/muffs.
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