How many packing peanuts will come??


8 Years
May 20, 2011
Southern Utah
I ordered 11 female day olds from Ideal. They will be shipping from the Texas hatchery to Southern Utah. I don't really care that I get packing peanuts or not. Just curious how many they might send. It is going to be December, after all.... Will they fill the box to 20, 25?

What do you think?
I ordered my 12 girls from Ideal in October and they sent 9 roos! Since yours will be December babies I'm betting you will be getting 25
I'm sure you will get plenty of peanuts. They like to pack the boxes pretty full for warmth in cold weather.
No, they're completely free. You pay small order fees and partial-box fees on orders fewer than 25. It costs them the same to ship a box of 25 as it does to ship that box with 10 in it so it's no big deal to fill it up with cockerels that would otherwise be euthanized.

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