How many people have buff Orpingtons

I'm crazy about Buff Orpingtons!

I got one at the fair a couple years ago and she is fantastic! Friendliest chicken I have ever met. She comes RUNNING across the yard when she sees me, just to give me 'hugs'. Which is something she developed completely on her own. I kneel down and she walks up between my legs and tucks her head between my arm and my body and she'll stay there for hours if you let her just being 'hugged'! She is so awesome!

Here's some pics. I love my Essa :D

Here she is below, begging for hugs :)

She was a great broody for us last year. Theyre not genetically hers but given her interest in people her chickies also enjoy our company :)

Below is her and her lil girl:

And Essa with both her chickies, all grown up!

Can you tell I love Essa? Lol!
I have two lovely girls, Eggnog and Q.
Tis is my b.o. can sone tell me how old u think she is. She hasn't layed any eggs yet and will not sleep in the nest. She only sleeps on her roost. Any ideas on how to get her to start leying lol
Tis is my b.o. can sone tell me how old u think she is. She hasn't layed any eggs yet and will not sleep in the nest. She only sleeps on her roost. Any ideas on how to get her to start leying lol
Hmm... two and a half to three months? She doesn't look much bigger than my BO who is two months, but Tis is definitely bigger.
Put some golf balls in the nestboxes- chickens think they're eggs- when the time comes for her to lay she should get the memo to lay in there.

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