How many people have buff Orpingtons

here's one of my oldest hens, 3 years old, one of my favorites for sure
Angel, a buff Orpington who has a few black feathers in the tail
we had 5 Orps at first. 2 got eaten by neighbor's dog who broke into their cage
2 we sold for being non foragers. we only have 1 buff now, and it's Angel.
Angel always looked very different, prettier than other buff orp, less wide and bulky
Angel has the softest feathers, and is a very smart pet.
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I have a 2 month old it's name is nugget don't know what sex it is but we love it maybe some one can help me what gender it is. Thanks






Cute little chick. I would guess a pullet. I like that pic with the cat in the background. My cat would go crazy if a chicken were in the house.
Presently we have 2 Buff Orpingtons and 3 New Hamphsire rocks.
I just ordered 10 more Buffs. 2 Roos and 8 Pullets.
So the plan is to have two yards/coops and 1 roo to 4 pullets per yard.
Ship date will be May 7, so I will have plenty of time to build 2 runs and 2 coops.
Plan on establishing chickens in runs and coops, then slowly let them free range one group at a time. Then hopefully try to let both groups free range together.
I sure hope the Roos can get along. If not I will know what we will be having for a Sunday dinner.

I have one buff orpington. She is the friendliest and most curious of my six chickens. Her name is Carmelo Anthony - named by my son for her beautiful carmel color and a talented basketball player.
I have 5. Love them!
Great personalities. Sweet as can be. Have been laying right through winter with no added light. I don't know if I could get another breed, I've been spoiled by how great my BO's are

We had 4 when we lived in Athens, Ga. LOVED them, but had to sell them when we moved. When we started our flock here, we got 2. They are about 2 weeks old and adorable!

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