how many squar feet does each chicken need?

Depends on how many birds you have in the coop. Four sq ft per bird is recommended. Some people go with 2 sq ft per bird. More room is better, as they can get kinda crabby in tighter quarters.
So that would be about 9 chickens for me !! If my space is 6x6. I guess I better go measure for sure. I don't want them to be over crowded!
Ok so I went and measured. The inside is actually 8x8 and the outside run is 10x4. So that is 16 chickens with 4ft each. more than I should have..... Is 10x4 enough outside??
1.5 sq feet to 2sq per chicken depending on size and breed.
you will also need 8 to 10 inches of roost bar space per bird
also factor in flight space and an eating area
this is just a rule of thumb.

hope this helps
right now their food and water is on 2 stumps in the corner. Is this sufficient???? They scratch most of it out anyway.
Ok so I went and measured. The inside is actually 8x8 and the outside run is 10x4. So that is 16 chickens with 4ft each. more than I should have..... Is 10x4 enough outside??
From what I have read .... if you are not free ranging the birds, you need 90 sqft minimum of run space for 9 birds AND your 36 sqft of coop space ... so yes, you need a much bigger run if you aren't free ranging
They free range spring summer and fall...but winter they are cooped up unless the kids are outside and than they will let them out and put them back when they come inside. So mostly all winter they are cooped. I will try and find supplies to make a bigger run. My mom and I threw one together this fall just so they had somewhere to go.
From what I have read .... if you are not free ranging the birds, you need 90 sqft minimum of run space for 9 birds AND your 36 sqft of coop space ... so yes, you need a much bigger run if you aren't free ranging

There isn't a set in stone square footage per bird. I prefer 3-4 feet of indoor space for my Breeding birds and about 6-8 sq ft of outside space. For my 100% Free Rangers 2-3 sq feet of inside space is plenty with access to out doors from about 6 am until 8-9 pm(whenever it gets dark). My chickens mostly stay outside unless its really cold wind or heavy rain. Otherwise they are in the run all day. With the free rangers it doesn't really matter about floor space but the more birds in a small space builds up a lot of heat. Plenty of ventilation is needed to cool down the coop. If someone had 20 birds in a 6x6 coop that free ranged all day every day no matter what that would work fine. I would not personally put that many birds in a coop that small but if they free range they just sleep, eat, and lay eggs in the coop. They spend the majority of their time outside foraging for bugs, seeds, and other foods.

Your coop would accommodate 16 chickens fine. You might make the run a little larger but not a necessity.

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Thanks Nate ! I am going to build a bigger run this spring/summer/fall haha whenever I get to it. They are free ranging summer and fall. Winter they have to stay in because the predators are out thick. I need to do some remodeling anyway because I have to different pure breeds and don't want them getting confused :) Thanks for the advice !!!

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