How many square feet per chicken in the coop?


Cold Canadian Chick
10 Years
Dec 2, 2009
I know the general rule is about 4, but what if they free-range all day? My birds only use the coop for sleeping and I can provide roosts for all of them, even if they only have about maybe 2-3 square feet each inside.

Would that work for layers or am I setting myself up for disaster?

I also have a few ducks and geese which sleep on the floor. (Besides the Muscovies)
The international rule of thumb is about two square feet per bird. Good to see you want to free range rather than employ the feed lot style of raising chickens used here a lot on BYC: small coop and a bare dirt run. When I hear the 4:10 rule mentioned I cringe and think about the cattle feed lots out west.
My little coop is a 5X8 inside, but I have only 2 roost poles 52 inches long each. They are used by my 8 chickens. The chicks that hatched last month and mama are still in the nest, but they will go to the roost when time comes. That is minus the males that may be in the bunch. I've seen all mine on one roost pole, and then 6 on top and 2 on the bottom. Like you all my coop is used for is sleeping and nesting. Although this broody hen caught me by supprise and hartched the chicks in a nest inside the coop. Right now I would have no problem with 12 or even 14 chickens inside, considering they are out roaming all day. They wake up in the morning, out the door and that's all they see of it unless the have an egg to give me.
Very interesting, thanks for the link!

I have two coops, the summer coop is a bit smaller then the winter coop. During the winter when they stay inside they are in a larger space.
Some aspects of the linked article were interesting:

Area being heated: Make drop ceiling or insulated hover around roost; or or partition off just part of the coop, and let chickens choose where to spend their time.

If you look at my coops, the roosts are located above the windows and encapsulated by the insulated ceiling. Air movement goes across the manure and out the other side, and the chickens roost in an area where air movement is significantly less.


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