How many times a year do you raise meat birds?


12 Years
Dec 9, 2007
Poland, Maine
I finished up my first batch of birds last month and the meat is going fast. I am planning on doing another batch of birds to fill the freezer again. I was just curious about how many times everybody else raises meat birds per year. Do you do them all at once or break it up to multiple times per year?
5 or 6, no birds June>Aug Usually new chicks have arrived a few days before processing the last batch... Example Sept chicks get processed around halloween, but Oct 20th the next batch of chicks come. 75 At a time (raised at Granny's for all 3 houses).
Right now, we are doing twice a year. The spring group (beginning of May till the end of June) approximately 25-30 birds. The fall group, beginning of August till the end of September 30 - 40 birds. The fall group depends on what is left from the spring group. I try to put enough birds away for a year.
I'm subscribed and am waiting an answer as well. I am part of a very large family and am butchering our first birds in August. I'd like to have more for a fall butcher, but how many?
Our family of four go through 40 birds last year (10 others were traded for a year's worth of eggs). We do two batches of 25-30 each.
2 adults and 2 college kids, I have swapped/traded chickens for other types of food during the year. We are having the first of this years processing this thursday or friday....

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