How many times/day do you feed your chickens?

first meal i ever made, no lie. i was married and didnt have a clue. seen my mother make veggie soup so i opened a bunch of caned veggies and dumped them in a pot. no salt no broth  then i knew she put some sort of meat in it and all i had was a can of salmon. so ya, the bones were floating , the dog threw up. im not much better 35 yrs. later. definitely no betty crocker 

I've been cooking & baking since I was big enough to stir. Same for my kids. No matter what, if there's food available, my family won't starve cuz they don't know what to do with that food.
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i dont know why i even have a kitchen in my house, aka, torture chamber as i like to call it. my poor kids grew up on mc donalds. all i need is a freezer and a microwave. im good. oh, and coffee pot, cant forget that part. its not like i dont like to eat. i wish i liked to cook. i just cant. i can skin a catfish pretty quick though. hahah
i dont know why i even have a kitchen in my house, aka, torture chamber as i like to call it. my poor kids grew up on mc donalds. all i need is a freezer and a microwave. im good. oh, and coffee pot, cant forget that part. its not like i dont like to eat. i wish i liked to cook. i just cant. i can skin a catfish pretty quick though. hahah

I grew up cleaning fish, skinning rabbits & squirrels, butchering hogs & deer & now I process poultry too. Never short of food round here. Usually no need for a cookbook either. I make up recipes as I go.
i was always chased out of the kitchen when mom cooked and now she complains about my cooking. maybe thats why i love my chickens , they pretty much eat good, except the biscuits . i made a box cake the other day and had to throw it away. i didnt give that to the chickens, didnt know if i should or not.
i was always chased out of the kitchen when mom cooked and now she complains about my cooking.  maybe thats why i love my chickens , they pretty much eat  good, except the biscuits . i made a box cake the other day and had to throw it away.  i didnt give that to the chickens, didnt know if i should or not. 

Mine eat anything that doesn't eat them first...literally!

I grew up with my mom, step-mom, 2 grandmas & 2 grandpas all teavhing me to cook. I put it all together & can now out cook all of them. I have taught my mother several things about cooking in the past 5
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Everyone SMILE!!! it can lift any mood up, even if it is a fake smile!!
The problem with bread is that it has very low nutritional value, especially white bread. It's like candy to the birds.

I feed my Chicken bread as a treat.. Never use it to substitute there grain.. You will see when you show up with the bread bag they go crazy waiting for it lol.

I know. That's the hazard of feeding too much bread. They gorge on it & leave no room for the healthy stuff...just like a kid with candy.
I know. That's the hazard of feeding too much bread. They gorge on it & leave no room for the healthy stuff...just like a kid with candy.

I noticed the same thing, I save old bread and they only get it once a week and its not much at that, maybe a half loaf for all 21 chickens.... Those chickens are crazy with the stuff!

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