How many turkey eggs in nest before they begin setting?

Sounds like I need to incubate these eggs. Now I need to get an incubator! My neighbor will lend me theirs. They usually do chicken eggs in it, but I'm assuming it will do turkey eggs just as well, correct?

Thanks for all the help!
My turkey hen started sitting on the nest today!! hooray! no need to buy the incubator (or do all the hard work that comes with raising day olds!). time to celebrate. well, i guess in 28 days, that is. I'm going to go put some food and water out next to her now.

(She is a free-range turkey and decided to put her nest in the side of an old corn crib building.)
My hen started setting on a batch of phoenix eggs and is holding tight, she has never laid eggs of her own, she's only 10months old. She's a spanish black.
Chickenannie: I live in NY, it is COLD, but she's determined and she is outside. She's on about 8 eggs.
LOL. Well, I hope spring comes to you soon there. We're getting hints of spring with daytime in the mid-40s low 50s, but the nights are still down to 32-35.

BTW, what are phoenix eggs?

Have you had turkeys hatch before?
Chickenannie: I've hatched out Royal Palms and Heritage Bronze, Phoenix are longtailed chickens
I would not put food and water next to or even close to her. She will get off the nest at least once daily for bathroom and muchie/drinkie breaks.

Food next to a setting hen just encourages her to eat.. and may cause her to poop while still on the nest(that is very bad). Second reason, the food could attract unwanted attention to the nest, be it other birds.. or worse, other critters..
she sounds like shes not ready to go broody i do keep food and water near a hen thats sitting cause once they start sitting mine do not get up at all and will go without food and water.i would borrow your neighbors incubator and hatch them out i dont let my hens sit only in a fenced in coop that I can lock in at night due to too many predators here I hope you dont have any but none are safe here on a nest in NH good luck my girls have not started yet lazy gals!! what kind is she? I have black winged bronze black spanish (looking for black eggs too down to just my old tom) and a gumpy old rio grande tom lol!

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