How Many?


8 Years
May 18, 2011
How many babys have you raised this year? I have already banded about 60-70! I started with 100 bands this yaer and it looks like I will have to get a few more before Dec. Wonder if this makes me a" backyard pigeon mill"!lol. But I only have less than 10 young on hand right now. I always seem to find homes for them.
I've raised a little over 100 but breeding season is over. I'm going to have a few late hatches here in a little while but that'll be it until I pair them up again this fall.
wow that's alot great you find homes for them.Do you just have rollers?What blood line or family lines are they?I have 9 babies flying from the kit box and 6 more that recently hatched and 2 eggs that should hatch soon out of my 4 pairs of breeders.
Rollers are my main breed. I do have a few of other breeds just for fun.
I have had mine long enough that they are "my" bloodline!lol. I have collected stock from several competion flyers and others from great roller lines that were not competion raised. Doing my own mixing and matching for 40 years I feel they have as much of me as anyone else in them. Unfortunately I don't competion fly so don't have a "big" name to pas on to them. But I will match them to most.And am proud of them all!
Man, I want a kit of rollers sooo badly someday! And to fly some racers. Tell me Becky and Rollerman...are they as awesome as they sound to watch?
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I think we need pix of lofts and pigeons!Rollerman I would like to see your set up and birds.I am just getting started but I sure to like my rollers they are from Dennis B.who has R.Mee with some Kurmo not sure if I spelled it right a roller man out of NY
I've raised thirty five so far with ten eggs in the nest now. I've got rollers also, and a few fantails. I bought fifty bands this year and when I run out my breeding season is going to be over!

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