How much ACV to put in water?

You can 'make' your own, from the cheap ACVs from the store, I've been doing it for a while now.

Buy a bottle of the 'good stuff', like Braggs and buy a big jug of 'Heinz' or the store brand (the gallon size or larger). Pour out about 1 cup of the 'cheep' stuff and pour in your 1 cup of the 'good' stuff.

I forgot how long you're supposed to let it set for... if you do a search at you'll be able to find more info.
Search for a post by "Lisa" in Thousand Oaks, CA.
There are several health benefits. It is a probiotic, for one, which helps them develop good gut flora. It also helps you, because it inhibits algae growth in the waterer. A quick search on here will turn up lots of threads on its benefits.

The reason for not putting it in galvanized waterers is that it leaches zinc (I think it's zinc, anyway) out of the metal to the point that it can be toxic for them.

I have mostly read to use between 1 tsp and one Tbsp per gallon. Truth is, I slosh a little in, probably around 1 tsp.

It needs to be the organic version, by the way. Bragg's is a brand commonly found in grocery stores. The benefits come from the organic version, which has the mother, which is the beneficial organisms.

It's good for people, too.
I use this brand too and it extends the water refilling time down too

I use this brand too and it extends the water refilling time down too
This thread is from 2009, you're not likely to get an answer from the op.
Birds should always have secondary access to plain water when giving a supplement in the water.
Acv won't due anything in the dilutions that chickens will drink.

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