How much are Magpie Ducks worth?

I just checked on Metzer, and they don't sell them.
I just did a quick look online and it appears they are going for from 8-15 dollars each. Of course the true value of any duck (or anything else for that matter) depends on the purchaser's desire to have them. If I want something bad enough I will pay a premium price in order to have it.

Don't price based on "rareness" of the breed. The standards of rare and so forth are based on an annual census of breeding stock and not on how many actual birds of that breed exist. For example, I have 16 Cayugas that are not breeding stock so they do not count in the annual census.
Ideal sells them for around $4-5 plus shipping. Unless you have excellent stock I wouldn't charge more for them. Like jtn said it really is going to depend on if you someone who wants them.

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