How much calcium to give egg bound duck?


8 Years
Jul 26, 2014
Hi guys! I have a duck who has been having alot of laying issues this year. She appears to be egg bound once again (happened last month and did take her to the vet after she finally passed the egg because it had broken inside her). I have been able to feel the egg right there near her cloaca for a few days now, but she is starting to act off again. Still currently eating her favorite things (worms, snails, and corn) but will not eat her pellets (this is exactly what she did last time).

I was able to get some calcium tablets (500mg), but how much and how often should I give it to her to help her pass this egg (she is a 2kg duck)? Do I just do one dose and wait a whole day to give her another if she hasn't laid the egg yet? Or should I give more earlier if the first dose doesn't work within a certain amount of time? Is it possible to overdose on calcium, or is it just like other vitamins that just pass through the system if you get more than you need?

Sorry for all the questions, just want to help my girl as much as I can!
Do you know how to tube feed? If she were mine i would give her 1/2 a tablet and I would tube 60 ml of water. If feeling okay, I would let her sit in a bath tub of warm water for about an hour.
Thanks casportpony! I do know how to tube feed, but lack the supplies here in Sweden. (Originally from the US, where it was much easier to get medications and supplements for animals so doing the best I can over here.) She is drinking well (have added B vitamins to her water now) and pretty active at the moment, so she is not bad off just yet. It's just starting out exactly the same as last time, so I want to try to avoid her getting so poorly and hopefully help her get this egg out faster this time. I'll try the warm bath soak again as well, thanks!

What about calcium Gluconate? Won't that help her pass the egg too?

Yes, but @Orca5094 lives in Sweden, and I don't think they can run to the nearest feed store and get it. :(

This is true, I do not have access to hardly anything over here. It is very frustrating as I was able to get everything I could possibly ever need/want when I lived in the US. Sweden is very strict on all kinds of medications and seems to not want to allow anyone to treat their own animals, even if they know what they are doing. >.< The best I can get over here to help Pepper right now is human calcium and b-vitamin pills.
If you can find a way to get 60 ml of fluids into her I think that will help a lot! Just to be clear, and I hope this doesn't sound rude, but I rarely give calcium without also giving fluids. :D
If you can find a way to get 60 ml of fluids into her I think that will help a lot! Just to be clear, and I hope this doesn't sound rude, but I rarely give calcium without also giving fluids. :D

Ah, ok! I did not know I should do that, this whole egg bound treatment thing is a new experience for me. Not rude at all, I am very thankful for your advice! :) I will do my best!
@casportpony Are you in the UK? Can you recommend a site to get the flexible catheter tubes for tube-feeding from? This whole experience makes me want to import such important tools so I am better prepared next time. I asked my vet about them and they said there isn't such a thing. I said "You never have to tube-feed birds??" And they're like, "No." That is a straight-up lie as I know they must need to tube feed sometimes as it is a very basic and extremely important aspect of animal care. That's ridiculous. I know they just don't want people to know how to do these things themselves. I don't understand this country sometimes. Sorry for the rant. ;)

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