How much can a chicken eat????


11 Years
Feb 22, 2008
Thousand Oaks, CA
My babies diets change with the wind..... I have a bantam cochin roo and chicken with 8 babies that have been kicked out of the nest, although Ese, the male still takes great care of them. I have been gardening the past few days, finding tons of unwanted bugs and insects. I feed them berries, seeds, and scratch throughout the these guys are never "starving". They aren't fat either (I understand the keel scale). THey are so active, showing no signs of laziness whatsoever. Last winter my friends garden still had tons of grasshoppers, while they were gone from my territory...I fed my 2 pullet over twenty in a row...the male won't eat if she wants it. Today I must have fed he 40 earthworms 10 squash bores 10 crickets 40 potaoe bugs etc etc...;in a two hour period..... oh and two large centipedes....her feathers were out of place her gullet was full....but she still wanted more, where does one stop....she is always right on with her other cravings, but when it comes to bugs....she can't say no...when do I?? Just curious......
Well, I feed my two babies 4 dozen crickets today plus a bunch of earthworms within about 10 min and they never slowed down! That's when I thought, mabye they don't realize they are full! I don't want to make them sick. It is to funny watching them chase those crickets though
It shocks me....they barely eat any scratch etc...just the treats and bugs...but when I'm gardening...Ese is feeding Gracie (I never see that boy eat...he is such a gentleman...esp since the 8 kids arrived) I'm feeding her...and she almost crawls up my chest begging like I'm holding back! I was just curious about calorie needs etc.... Her craw was protruding yesterday making her feathers stick out! It seems to me she eats her weight in bugs daily...esp when the grasshoppers show up!!!

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