How much DE to add to feed?


14 Years
Jul 17, 2007
How much DE would one put in a quart of feed? I thought I had read 2% of the food should be DE, but that works out to be 4 and a half teasopoons, which sounds like a lot!!
It's really not much at all. I don't even measure it; I just eyeball it. I scoop my feed with a gallon pitcher and just dump some in, maybe less than a 1/4 cup. I may not do it every time, though, maybe ever other scoop. It doesn't have to be exact, just an estimate of 2%.
Well- I've seen lots of places that say 2% and recently saw a ranch that uses 2% for most of their animals but use 5% on their chickens!

Now...I freerange and my chickens hardly eat any i had to switch to putting the DE into their treats. I figure about 1tsp per's always a rough estimate.

One way to know if it's enough...if you see signs of worms or runny need more.

Do you put the DE in everytime?? I havent put it in their feed I have put some in their water... ok so if you mix it with their feed .. that would be one pound of DE to 50 pounds of feed?? or did I miss something??
I mis the DE into the feed. I use the 2% rule. Which is 1# to 50# of feed. But I must confess, like Speckledhen I sometimes eyeball it.
I agree with the silly question - what is DE? And while we're at it, what is DH?

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