how much diatomateous earth should I use?

1chicken fan

8 Years
Jun 10, 2012
Canby, Oregon
Hi Guys,

I have a 8 x 8 chciken coop on a cement slab, I have pine down and wanted to have a area for the chickens to take a dust bath. I found an old drawer that would work for now so I filled it with sand and was going to put some ditomateous earth but not sure how much to use. Any ideas???

Thanks for the input,

??? uh-oh... I just tossed a scoop full on the sandy/rocky ground and they had a blast scratching and flopping around in it....

Was that a terrible thing to do??
Hi there. You didn't mess up. As long as the Diatomaceous Earth is food grade can use it for any and all animals, poultry, livestock - even humans. I use it myself every day (in a glass of water) and drink it down and have done so for 3+ years. I use it for all my animals, dogs, cats, ducks, goats, sheep, get the point. :) DE will help to cut down on odor, and keep away bugs with an exoskeleton.
Why do you drink it?

I use it for pest control on my dogs and cats. It works pretty well. We still get fleas a little, but no infestations, and NO icky chemicals directly on their skin/spinal area. Yay! :)
Thank you so much !!
Make sure it is food grade -- I have a 12 lb hanging feeder, and simply dump in probably 1/2 cup of DE and stir it around with the feed by hand. (not every time I fill it up, maybe once a week). I was putting some in my waterer, but it looked dirty and I quit doing that, but that's just personal preference. The DE I also just sprinkle on the coop and run floor - kinda hit and miss. I don't make a separate dust bath for it, just try to apply it maybe every 3 weeks or so. It should help cut down on fleas, lice and flies, and works internally on the chicks for intestinal worms. I think it's a great preventative. Thus far, I have no mite or other issues with my flock. Friendly for the organic garden, safe. I used it on my carport when I found some black widow spiders.... to my happy surprise, it worked very well. Deceased black widows on the carport floor in the mornings. No more problems!

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