How much do chukars eat?


10 Years
Dec 8, 2010
Martha's Vineyard MA
Hi there, this is my first time raising chukar. I will be doing approximately 100 for a game preserve. Because its our first time we are trying to determine exactly how much food to buy. How much will they eat from day olds till around 18 weeks? I just need some approximate numbers based on your experiences. Thank you.
According to a study from the University of California, a male Chukar will consume 3.75 lbs of food to reach 1 lb. at 9 weeks and a female will consume 4.5 pounds of feed to reach 1 lb. at 12 weeks. An Ideal bird for release is around 1.32 lbs. and is at that weight between 16-20 weeks, so even though these numbers are a for a little under 18 weeks, this should be able to give you a roundabout idea. Hope this helps
If you have never seen gamebirds feed before (and depending on the type of feeders you are using), I would also account for a fair amount of "waste", as well.
I would love to see pictures of your "system" i still havent been able to beat down food waste well.

Thank you
I raise Quail and chukars and have no problem with wasted feed with the feeders that I build. Every one that uses them will agree they work and thee is no wasted feed.Click on my profile and check them out. JIM

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