How much do I ask for ducklings when selling?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 19, 2014
My daughter is selling ducklings, but I have no clue how to price them. Some are runner crosses, walk like runners but because we have pekins also we know some are crosses. The others are pure Muscovy. I checked the prices at auction and they are only getting $1 or a little more for ducklings of any breed. So we want to sell privately. We priced the crosses at $6 and the Muscovy at $10 but have had no takers. Do I have the prices too high? What would be a reasonable asking price? The babies are 2-3 weeks old now. Thanks everyone!
My daughter is selling ducklings, but I have no clue how to price them. Some are runner crosses, walk like runners but because we have pekins also we know some are crosses. The others are pure Muscovy. I checked the prices at auction and they are only getting $1 or a little more for ducklings of any breed. So we want to sell privately. We priced the crosses at $6 and the Muscovy at $10 but have had no takers. Do I have the prices too high? What would be a reasonable asking price? The babies are 2-3 weeks old now. Thanks everyone!
I think your prices are fine. I sold 2 Muscovy drakes for 10 each and i have sold ducklings for 5-10 each. If you've been advertising for a while and feel you want to drop the prices I would just go down a couple dollars. I always print out a care sheet to so those buying know how to care for ducklings and adults.
I don't know about your area, but in eastern PA most purebred ducklings sell for $5 each from private sellers or $7 each at retailers (such as TSC or local mills).
I'm in Pa also. In my area tsc does sell ducklings in the spring for $6, but the going rate in local papers/craigslist seems to be $8-$10 a duckling. I think that's totally reasonable with the time and feed it takes to raise them.

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