How much do meat processors charge per chicken?

Our local Mennonite processor charges $1.80 per bird or $2.00 a bird if you want the hearts, livers, gizzards and feet cleaned and bagged for you as well.
The Amish charge $2/bird around here. If you're looking into it, check into the possibility of processing yourself- it's well worth it even for my small operation, and I spent quite a bit to build a Whizbang plucker and scalder.
Our Amish/Mennonite processors charge $1.50-$2.00 also but they have a whole assembly line process and make it up in volume. They also charge for every bag, twist tie, giblet, etc. They are about a 45 minute drive from here so I get alot of calls. I quote $5/bird and haven't had any takers. Not sure it's even worth my time for $5 to be honest with you so I'm glad. I don't have a plucker (although I want one BAD) so it takes longer. I'm slow.
I'm mechanically dis-inclined. I do love your cone though - best thing since sliced bread (no pun intended)

I'm searching on Craig's List for a washer motor/tub. Am I on the right path?
Thanks- I'm glad you like it! Really though, the plans for these things are SO easy to follow. I was worried I'd be wasting money when it didn't turn out right, but wow- I'll NEVER go back to plucking by hand. Even if you paid someone to build you one based on the plans, it would be worth it.
I am getting meaties in August (first time, yay!!). I have a friend that uses the Amish for his chicken processing. They charge 1.25/bird and he said they are very clean and do a wonderful job. So I think I am going to use them, too.

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