how much do you charge for your eggs?

Right now I'm charging $1.50 but I just recently bought labels and cartons. One of my labels personally asks to please save egg cartons for me in order to keep my prices lower. If this works, I will keep my eggs at $1.50 as long as feed costs don't go up. I might raise my prices to $2.00 whenever I go to the farmers market, but I haven't made up my mind about that yet.

I'm also going to put up a sign this next spring. I figure once my 60+ chickens start laying (I only have 28 right now but will be getting 33 this spring), If I sell most of the eggs I will be getting, I should make a decent amount to compensate on feed cost. I should get around $40+ dollars worth of eggs each, if I sell the majority of them.

Here is my label I made

I charge $3 a dozen but often times people want to pay more. My DW works with a guy that buys eggs from us and insisted on paying more,so DW says how about $4 and replies no I want to pay $5 and then buys 4 dozen.
I have so many recycled egg cartons I could give everyone on BYC some. My customers are so great at returning cartons. They also get other people to recycle. I have around 500 egg cartons in my garage and the number grows weekly. Over the last 10 years of selling eggs, I have never had to buy egg cartons.
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i have 58 hens with more on the way. im thinking of selling them for 150.-200 $ to my grandfather to sell at his stores. i hope that people in this area will pay more fo local eggs.
I get $3/dozen for mine and have very steady customers. They are not good at saving my egg cartons though. I printed stickers that say, "This carton good for .50 off your next dozen if you bring the carton back." and they never bring them back, LOL!
We don't sell too many, give more away than we sell. However those that buy regularily pay $4/dz. They insist as that's what the grocery charges for "free range" eggs and thay want to be sure and be our preffered customer.
in central pa is 150. 2.00$ a doz too much for the area. im really hoping that if i sell them for that that i can get a good coustomer basis.
Hope it's okay that I am replying to this thread, it's sorta ancient.

I get $3.50 a dozen, because where we live no one raises chickens, and it's store bought eggs as a last resort. I have a kind elderly neighbor who sometimes insists on paying $4.00
After the old flock of 30 GC's went away to freezer camp (that's what we told Olivia, our 7 year old granddaughter) we got 24 BSL's and now they've started laying. They're getting near the 100% mark since they started laying on Dec 1st. Anyways, I've decided to hold the line at $3.00 a dozen like before if they return the cartons, otherwise it'd be $3.50. So far everyone's returning them. I've even had some give me a bunch of extra cartons they have been saving from their store bought eggs since last spring when the old flock went away. I sell almost every egg we get to co-workers and neighbors. Yeah, I know chicken feed and scratch has gone up through the roof but I'm still well above break even and you know, I'm not doing this for the money. I do it because I like to see the smile on my friends faces when they tell me how good my eggs are. That makes me smile, and as my hero Martha would say "And that's a very good thing..."

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